Wifi.com.ng Provides Free Internet Access For Corps Members In Lagos & Abuja Camps
Wow! That was the word that jumped out of my mouth when this news caught my notice. Some say ‘what could be sweeter than honey’? I say ‘what could be more fulfilling than having free WiFi’?
Free internet access
I’m sure the corps members in Lagos and abuja are currently asking this same questions as WiFi.com.ng has decided to butter their bread – the tech inclined ones though – with free WiFi throughout their three weeks stay in camp. The whatsapp and Facebook addicts can benefit from it too.
Wifi.com.ng is offering this service for the duration of this present National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) batch whose stay in camp will last from November 24 to December 14, 2016. The NYSC orientation course marks the beginning of the one year compulsory national service for Nigerian graduates, and usually takes place in designated camp areas across the country.
Corps members gets free wifi
These were the words of Chief Operating Officer of Tizeti – which is the parent company of WiFi.com.ng – Ifeanyi Okonkwo, who said that, “We wanted to give young people who will be spending 3 weeks in the NYSC orientation camp an opportunity to experience wifi.com.ng’s internet service at high speeds. We’re proud to share that as at this time, over 500 corps members have accessed the service”.
Tizeti is a company that offers Unlimited internet service to residential and small businesses in Nigeria. They leverage on their partnerships with various upstream bandwidth providers to provide internet service.
Their core services are dependent on broadband networks and hence providing last mile internet connectivity over wide area wifi networks.
For more than 3 years, TIZETI (wifi.com.ng) has been deploying high speed internet access to estates, offices, multi-tenant building using next generation wi-Fi technology. They deploy unlimited internet to residential and business customers which allow customers get the full benefit of the internet with no data or time caps. They also offer VOIP and Video on Demand services.
Also, they hope to become a top ISP in Sub-Saharan Africa and have one of our products in every home in Africa.
With this move they have taken, I’m very sure the prayers of the corps members would always be with them as they have solved one of the biggest challenge in a NYSC camp – POOR INTERNET FACILITIES.
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