Swiftly Convert Your PDFs to Excel Online and Free
For a very large number of people all across the globe, the usual business routine requires sending and receiving numerous Portable Document Files (PDF) on a daily basis. The files inside a PDF are usually Microsoft Office files, and recent studies show that the most frequently used of them is Excel, because of its outstandingly versatile nature. But let’s take a step back to clarify why would someone convert their MS Office files (and others) to PDF in the first place.
Thanks to its ingenious formating this file format can be viewed on practically every single electronic device created by man, a feature that no other format can boast itself with. For this reason, other files are transformed into PDF prior to sending, and by doing this the sender ensures that the document will reach the recipient in a state that no matter on what device he views the file, he will be able to see it perfectly.
On the other hand, if the file wasn’t converted to PDF, and the sender and the recipient had different operating systems for instance (or just different devices, let’s say a computer and a smartphone), because of the difference in reading the formating of the document, the file would almost always be glitchy and riddled with bugs.
The only problem lies in the fact that the PDF is a read only file, meaning that in order to make any changes to it, the user has to convert the file back to its original native state, which in this particular case is an Excel file. There is a diverse supply of paid software tools available, but today we’ll introduce to you a great free online tool that does the same trick, but for no charge whatsoever.
When you go to the PDF to Excel website, the first thing that needs to be done is to selecting the PDF document that you want to convert, and that can be done either from your computer, or from trusted cloud services Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive.
The transformation process will automatically commence once the file was chosen, and the time needed to finish everything usually lasts for one minute.
In the end, the download button will present itself, and the only thing left to be done is to save the document on your computer/tablet/phone.
Another great aspect of this tool is that there is absolutely no user login, and no kind of personal information is needed, which can really speed up the the entire thing.
This is all we have for you regarding this tricky subject, so if you have a PDF file that you absolutely require to turn back to Excel, head to Pdftoexcel.com and fire away!
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